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Hearing Protective Devices

The best way of protecting yourself from Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) at work is to eliminate the source, or you can try to reduce the decibels through creative methods. Sometimes though, this is not always possible to do, so hearing protective devices that reduce the exposure is highly recommended.

Hearing Protective Devices

Occupational exposure limit is 85 decibels (A-weighted), or dBA, for most if worn properly, hearing protection lowers the level of noise exposure and the risk of hearing loss.  If your environment is greater than this it is recommended that you wear hearing protection.

If the hearing protectors

  • do not fit well,
  • are not inserted or worn appropriately,
  • are worn seldom,
  • or are withdrawn even for a little amount of time,

the efficiency of hearing protection is significantly reduced.

The hearing protection shouldn’t be altered in order to keep them functional. Radio/music earphones or headsets should not be used in places where hearing protection is necessary to guard against noise exposure since they are not a replacement for hearing protection.

Different Types of Hearing Protective Gear:

Earplugs: They could be custom moulded, remoulded (preformed), mouldable, rolldown foam, or push-to-fit. There are disposable, reusable, and custom earplug options.  We can arrange customised plugs for you.  We simply take an impression of your ear and that is sent away,

Semi-insert Plugs

Two earplugs are held over the ends of the ear canal by a tight headband in semi-insert earplugs.


Earmuffs are made of a substance that dampens sound, soft cushions that fit over the ears, and hard outer cups. They’re connected by a headband.   Available at Bunnings, workplace safety retailers and even office works.