We are an accredited service provider as part of the Hearing Services Program. The aim of the Hearing Services Program (HSP) is to reduce the impact of hearing loss amongst people by providing eligible people with access to hearing services.

HSP Accredited Provider

Eligible for Hearing Service Program
- Pensioner Concession Card Holder
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card Holder
- Receipt of Sickness Allowance from Centrelink
- Member of the Australian Defence Force
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs White Card (specifying hearing loss) holder
- Referred by the Disability Employment Services Program
- Dependent of a person in one of those who are eligible.

What are the benefits you receive under the HSP?
As a HSP accredited provider, we allocate the same benefits that the HSP guarantees. You get a comprehensive hearing assessment from our Audiologist. We check if there is any form of hearing loss, and based on our assessment, we recommend suitable a hearing aid. Department of Hearing Service cover the costs of your appointments and devices. There are options of upgrading the hearing aids and you would be responsible for the Gap. You are then able to have future appointments batteries and repairs covered under a maintenance and battery agreement.
Our aim is to provide you with the most cost-effective device based on your hearing loss and lifestyle.
Why choose Boutique Hearing?
Our Audiologist has over 15 years clinical experience, serving and assisting patients with their hearing-related problems. Furthermore, Aditee is a current member of Audiology Australia has a Master’s degree in Audiology. We are a locally owned and operated community-centred company that is not owned by any large hearing aid company; therefore, we work to provide you with the hearing aid solution that suits you. You will have a choice of different brands, sizes, styles and configurations to make sure you can hear to your maximum potential.